Belinda Bee was found trapped in spiders web
and a friendly human released her from the web
then very shortly after Belinda's bees friends
flew towards the human in appreciation of the
kindly human releasing Belinda Bee flew quite
close to the human in appreciation then flew
off with Belinda Bee among them perhaps looking
for other flowers in which to refresh themselves.
How much more do we humans need to be rescued
and cared for by others etc., and appreciate
Jesus the son of Father God rescuing us when
we are ensnared or entrapped by the enemy
and hpow much more rescued and redeemed by
Jesus and drawn to those of the kingdom of
Jesus that others appreciate the rescue and
redemption of Jesus of the one redeemed and
how much more one needs to come along side
who have been rescued and redeemed and be
there for them so many ways through the
help and comfort of the holy Spirit to
lead guide direct us in living our lives
that bless one another and many others
that pleases Father God His son Jesus
bless them
21.7.2021. 11ish am.Sunday
vabs wall copyright.
Timmy was a husky and a puppy who was always into mischief
as little one are apt too, one day Timmy made friends with
a neighbours little girl and their little girl and their
little brother who didn't live to far away of whom the
family were friends with.
One day the two families decided to go for a pleasant walk
in the countryside not too far from where they lived and
had quite pleasant time including having a picnic of which
the children enjoyed, along with Timmy the friendly little
doggy had a great time appreciating the serenity of the
countryside looking at all the pretty flowers and
butterflies, bees and other insects and the
dragonflies darting here and there, their brightly coloured
wings catching the sunlight as they dart here and there
among other insects hovering above the little stream
burbling as it meanders along its way. Joy the little girl
slipped and fell into the little stream which was slow
moving as was not particularly deep or wide of which Timmy the husky
was quite concerned and being a bit uncertain begins then
to jump into the stream and pulls Joy out by Joy holding onto
Timmy to the bank where her parents were waiting to help Joy out
having been alerted by James her brother who fetched their parents
then after a little while having wrapped Joy in the picnic blanket
packed up the picnic items and the other things they had brought
for the children to paly with among a few other things then they all
went home where joy was ale to change her clothes et. Due to the shock
of falling into the river joy was advised by the parents to rest while
Timmie's owners and the friends of the family not only praised Timmy
as did Joy's family too lots of treats of which Timmy was really happy
and having enjoyed he little or rather not so little tail wagging
happily then the friends really appreciative of Timmy and James his treats
too of which he received happily for him to have and enjoy.
How often have we run into situations could be potentionally dangerous
physically, emotionally or spiritually and have inadvertently slipped and
cried out to Father God or His son Jesus, and in honouring and answering
the prayers, and sometimes on behalf of others Father God would arrange
someone to come alongside us to pull us back from that or those situations,
and in rare occasions or situations Father God sends His angels of which
have been assigned to come along side in some situations and after, in
looking around cannot be found though the angels have often appeared
in human form. The Story of Abraham and the 3 Angels who came to visit
Abraham comes to mind Genesis 18: 2. In some instances Father God will
prompt dogs with or with out their masters, and other animals too to rescue,
to protect or led people to safety also, bless Him, In some instances
will prompt people in various ways to lead or guid people out of various
situations and or circumstances that leads to prayer and Thanksgiving,
and others, reconciled unto Father God through His son Jesus through the
help and comfort of His Holy Spirit. For others, in strengthening
their Faith in Father God and His son Jesus through the help and comfort
of Father Gods Holy Spirit. Also Father God through the prayers of the
one in various difficult situations etc. or the prayers on their behalf
may in honouring and answering those prayers on behalf of them or others
send others to be a comfort and support in such times of need too. bless
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