- What is Faith :-
Having faith in someone or something is largely acted on in reguard to people in love and trust knowing both someone
or a person,or if having godly discernment concerning something or person or entering a situation and in such away that one can trust that person with faith or the faith given of Father God, thati s trusting that it will work out and
that the item is safe to use,or that the person is worthy of being trusted to accomplish a task or particular task or tasks given them, and as they endure in their endevours in that task or tasks brings faith and trust to the one who has asigned
that or those tasks to that person or persons etc.
Also as Paul Mentions in Hebrews :-
Hebrews 11:1
King James Version
11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Note :-
Here is a link to a few commentaries on Hebrew 11:1 :-
Here the word assurance has been substitued for substance in Hebrews11.1 in the KJV version.
Mary Magdelene had faith in Jesus, as had come in contact with Him, hence got to know Him in such a way was able to even trust Him as His disciples did as also many after have and still do and have faith, Faith and trust in Father God and His son Jesus not only in reading the Holy Bible but also and or as a consequence of Father God- Jesus's interaction with and through the prayers in various situations and circumstances and people He has brought into the lives of others and through the miracles too, and through His son Jesus and in the person of the holy Spirit in answer to to prayer when there was no hope among other things especally in the lives of many - for protection from people also may be from naturally man made disasters - climate - natuaral disasters, and accidents etc.and through the help, comfort and warmth given, many may have or given the faith and trust too to believers ,and others reunited, and others accept ed and or accpeting the salvation offfered through all that Jesus has acomplished on the cross at Calvery that changes lives for ever and will be with Jesus and Father God in eternity in Father God 's time.
Faith often comes with knowing and trusting, but then there is what is known as blind faith too, and trusting without really knowing etc. and after trusting someone as they especially given what they are saying without knowing though all the facts etc.a or possiblya few facts, can and in some instances lead to distress etc. Unless one is given the gift of faith given of Father God or a kind of natural instinct or discenment that too can and is often given as a gift tgiven of Father God in some instances or circumstances too
Sometimes one will say or act in faith relating to a particular situatuation or circumstance, and in some instances more often than not iof oneself to justify oneself in particularly going forward in particular situations and circumstances, due to perhaps various situatuons that have arisen with out seeking Father God - Jesus in prayer and to wait before going forward causes one in particular situations to ones detriment as it has been in advertant unintension or to due to a situatuation that has arisen etc. and has not been prayed over and or waithng on Father God sadly, but given time and praying to Father God - Jesus will in accordance with His will, will extricate - release one from the consequencess of going forward in blind faith with out seekig in prayer etc.
to be continued.
Latest comments
11.07 | 05:04
Praise God wonderful site. Precious gems from the word.
Pastor Tim
08.06 | 21:08
hello dear sister Sparrow---just want to thank you again for the prayers you have offered in my behalf....God heard and Moved one me
01.04 | 04:46
hello dear miss sparrow------you are a wonderful christian person who is very Longsuffering and Loving and thank you so much for all your help
23.01 | 00:24
Thank God for your precious life dear Sparrow. God already blessed you. Thanks for sharing