Shortly after Jesus was on the cross and had given up His life-spirit, Matthew 27.50. a soldier pierced His side with a spear, after which blood and water gushed out seperately which can happen in very extenuating and very extreme cirumstances, and throughh very stressful anxiety, and has has been medicaly proven see
""the Science of the Crucifixtion"" here is a link :- and "The Journal of Medical Association (Jama)
" here is a link:-
also there are related sites as Got Questions "What is the history of the Crucifixtion" here is a link :-
possibly one can buy on the internet, here is a link to a number of sites that sell such books :-
There is a link also that is directly relateded to this event. The extreme emotons caused by extreme stress and anxiety that Jesus suffered and went through while praying to His Father in Heaven in the garden of Gethsemne
duriing which while praying to his Father in asking Him His Father to allow the cup to pass from Him. "Nevertheless not as i will but thou wilt" Matthew 26:39.
It is in the crucifixtion that we see that the blood
was shed for our forgiveness and the water for the cleansing of our sins which takes one back to Genesis 3:1-21.
Where Eve after having been confronted and tempted by Satan disquised as a serpent took of the fruit of the tree of which Father God had forbiden Adam Genesis 2:15-17. and by extenstion Eve not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Genesis 2:17and of which Adam evidently had mentiond to Eve hence her response, Genesis 3:2-3. Eve having ate of the fruit convinced Adam to eat of it, of which shortly after knew that they were both naked Genesis 3:7. Shortly after, Father God - Jesus came looking for them, for Adam and Eve had hidden themselves having sewn fig leaves to cover their nakedness Genesis 3:7-12;21. Then Shortly after having having found them Jesus then slaughtered a lamb of which the blood would have been poured out, and before Jesus could cover both Adam and Eves nakedness the skin had to be cured of which water would have been used to do so.
So here we can refer to Isaiah 11:8. Though your sins are scarlet they shall be whiter than wool (of which can be in a very indirect way scarlet could and be synomous with blood as both are red, and while wool could be synomous with water as to be also white wool would have had to be washed clean with water. ( This is just a thought I hasten to add, though apart from the fact that wool having to be white and clean would have to be washed ) implying that one would cleansed from their sin, emphasing indirectly that ones sins will be forgiven and at that one would have been, through the offering of an appropriate sin offering and then cleansed by the water of which then would be whiter than the wool which is mentioned in Isaiah 11:8. which would have been washed and cleansed to become white (as often wool straight fom a sheep is often a kind of grubby creamy colour), and yet one would from the inference of the verse be whiter than snow, this verse can be found in Genesis 3:1-7, 21. and from Exodus through to Deuteronmy where Father God through Moses institutes the laws and instructions in regards to the giving of the various sacrifices and offerings offered in response to various sins among other things as offerings forthanksgiving.
In sacrificing the animals, blood would have had been shed, and close by were very large containers of water known as basins Exodus 30:18, also here is a link to the bsins also known as a laver Exodus 30:18. of which some of the water would have been poured into smaller basins for washing parts of the animals in preparation of the offering as a sacrifice to be burnt on an alter nearby, and also the water was also used for personal use of the levitical priesthood in washing their clothes etc. before performing the various rituals in offering the various sacricises and thanksgiving offerings on behalf of the people and themselves, and the cleansing of the High Priest and their clothes before coming before Father God once a year for the atonement of the people and the high Priest and the levitical Pristhood and their attendants before engaging in other priestly duties too before Father God, for instance offering of the incence on a daily basis among other practices before Father God on behaf of the people. The preparation and all that entails and the subsequent burnt offering was symbolic of the trial and crucifixtion of Jesus on the Cross at Calvery as recorded in all 4 Gospels where Jesus through the jeaolousy of the religious leaaders among other things of Jesus time as recorded in the gospels.
A short while after the supper that was attended along with His disciples in Jersalem Jesus went along with His disciples to the Garden of Gethsemene, where He often went of a night to be alone in prayer with His Father God and on this occsasion with His disciples, of whom he asked to sit and took Peter James and John and became amazed very heavy,14:32-35. and in Luke 22:39-42 asks His disciples to pray that they will not enter into termptaion Luke 22:39-41 and stepped a little furhter from them to pray to His Father in Heaven.
Due to the enormity of what he knew layahead as mentioned, to the jealousies etc of the religious leaders, prayed in deep angony and extremene anxiety, that He sweated great drops of blood along with persperation ( here again we have the water and the blood this time though mingled ),Matthew 26:31-45; especially verses 37-38, Mark 14:31-42;luke 22:39-46:especially vese 44. through the humaness of Jesus is being shown here as recorded in Luke2 22:1-45. of the enormity of what lay ahead through the betrayel of Judas not long after the supper in the upper room, Matthew 26:14-15;Mark 14:10; Luke4 22:22-3-6; and John 13:21-30; and 181-3, especially verse 2.
While in prayer in the Garden of Gethsenme a bit before Judas arrived and betrays Jesus an angel was sent from His Father God to strenghten Jesus Luke 22:13. after which Jesus continued in prayer praying in extreme agony due to the severity of what lay ahead (on our behalf ) and as a consequence great drops of blood fell to the groud along with perperation (water) due to the enormity of the suffering that lay ahead that He knew would in a very short time would end in His crucifixtion, having been illegaly and falsely tried after first among other things the soldiers in mocking Jesus and placing a crown of thorns on his head prior to leading Him to be illegally and falsely tried then afte a while to be crucified, again bloood would have been shed the thorns digging into His head and brow and likewise whille bleeding flogged by the soldiers with particular kind of whips of which will not go into detail here in describing those recorded in Matthew 27:24-31; especially verse 29,Mark 15:6-20: especialy verse 7, Luke 23:11: John 19:1-5. Then Jesus was then led to be crucified on the cross at Calvery after as mentioned being falsely and illegaly tried as recorded in the Gospels.
So here we can refer to Isaiah 11:8. Though your sins are scarlet they shall be whiter than wool (of which can be in a very indirect ways ynomous with being washed in water, and scarlet could and be synomous with blood as both are red, and while wool could be synomous with water as to be also white wool would have had to be washed clean with water. ( This is just a thought I hasten to add, though apart from the fact that wool having to be white and clean would have to be washed ) implying that one would cleansed from their sin, emphasing indirectly that ones sins will be forgiven and at that one would have been, through the offering of an appropriate sin offering and then cleansed by the water of which then would be whiter than the wool which is mentioned in Isaiah 11:8. which would have been washed and cleansed to become white (as often wool straight fom a sheep is often a kind of grubby creamy colour), and yet one would from the inference of the verse be whiter than snow, this verse can be found in Genesis 3:1-7, 21. and from Exodus through to Deuteronmy where Father God through Moses institutes the laws and instructions in regards to the giving of the various sacrifices and offerings offered in response to various sins among other things as for instance, offerings for thanksgiving.
In sacrificing the animals, blood would have had been shed, and close by were very large containers of water known as basins Exodus 30:18, also here is a link to the basins also known as a laver Exodus 30:18. of which some of the water would have been poured into smaller basins for washing parts of the animals in preparation of the offering as a sacrifice to be burnt on an alter nearby, and also the water was also used for personal use of the levitical priesthood in washing their clothes etc. before performing the various rituals in offering the various sacricises and thanksgiving offerings on behalf of the people and themselves, and the cleansing of the High Priest and their clothes before coming before Father God once a year for the atonement of the people and the high Priest and the levitical Pristhood and their attendants before engaging in other priestly duties too before Father God, for instance offering of the incence on a daily basis among other practices before Father God on behalf of the people. The preparation and all that entails and the subsequent burnt offering was symbolic of the trial and crucifixtion of Jesus on the Cross at Calvery as recorded in all 4 Gospels where Jesus through the jeaolousy of the religious leaaders among other things of Jesus time as recorded in the gospels.
A short while after the supper that was atended along with His disciples in Jersalem Jedsus with His disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemene where he often went of a night to be alone in prayer with His Father God and on this accsaion due to the enormity of what he knew lay ahead due as mentioned to the jealousies etc of the religious leaders prayed in deep angony and extremen anxiety that he sweated great drops of b lood along with persperation ( here again we have the water and the blood, this time though mingled ),Matthew 26:31-45; especially verses 37-38, Mark 14:31-42;luke 22:39-46:especially verse 44. the humaness of Jesus is being shown here as recorded in Luke2 221-45 of the enormity of what lay ahead through the betrayel of Judas not long after the supper in the upper room Matthew 26:14-15;Mark 14:10; Luke4 22:22-3-6; and John 13:21-30; and 181-3, especially verse 2.
While in prayer in the Garden of Gethsenme a bit before Judas arrived and bettrays Jesus an angel was sent from His Father God to strenghten Jesus Luke 22:13. after which Jesus continued in prayer praying in extreme agony due to the severity of what lay ahead (on our behalf ) and as a consquence great drops of blood fell to the groud along with perperation (water) due to the enormity of the suffering that lay ahead that He knew would in a very short time that would end in His crucifixtion, having been illegaly and falsly tried after first among other things the soldier in mocking Jesus placed a crown of thorns on his head prior to leading Him to be crucified)as mentioned above), again bloood would have been shed as the thorns dug into his head and brow and likewise whille bleeing bbbeing flogged by the soldiers with particular kinds of whips of which will not go into detail here in describing those whips.asn recorded in Matthew 27:24-31; especially verse 29, Mark15:6-20: especialy verse 7, Luke 23:11: John 19:1-5. Then Jesus was led to be crucified to the cross at Calvery as recorded in the Gospels. During the crucifixtion Jesus died and a Roman soldier pierce His side of which blood and water was poured out as mentioned earlier, John 19:30-34. especailly verse 34, ( He John saw it saw it bear record verse 35).as recorded in John 19:34. after Jesus gave up his life - spirit verse 30. compare Matthew 27:50; Mark 15:34; Luke 23:46;and John 19:34 . a Roman soldier came and pierced His side John 19:34 compare Psalm 22:12-16. especailly verse 16. ( Psalm 22 prophecies in some detail the crucifixtion of Jesus on the cross at Calvery as recounted in the 4 Gospels. Compare Isaiah 53, as Isaiah also prophecies the crucifixtion of Jesus and also the subsequent burial too, compare Matthew 27:57-60; especailly verses 57,59; Mark 15:43-46; especailly verses 43-44; and John 19:38- 43. especially 38, prophecied in Isaiah 53:9.
The blood and water being poured out seperately signifying believers forgiveness of their sins and the cleaning from their sins. The blood that was shed was for the forgiveness of our sins is very imprtant to acknowledge this, but what seems to be not quite important to acknowledge or mention is the water that was poured out seperately that is is for the cleansing of of our sins, and in believing in Jesus, His sacrifice through the giving of his life on the cross at Calvery and too Father God.
In believing that Jesus had laid in the tomb for 3 nights and 3 days as Jesus mentions, like Jonah who was in the belly of a whale for the same period of time recorded in the book of Jonah in the OT, Matthew 12:40, compare John 17:2-10.of which Jesus refers to also in Matthew 28:1; Mark 16;1-2 especially verse 2; Luke 24:1; John20:1.
Jesus was crucified on the friday the day before the preparation of a sabbathof which was a high feasst day celebrating the exodus as recorded in Exodus and which was requested by Father God through Moses to be commerated every year after having left the promised land and entering into Canaan the promised land Exodus 12:1-17, especaily verse verse 1,17; and Deuteronmy 1-8, especailly verse 1. and was resurrectedon at ther beginning of the week, early Sunday morning just before sunrise very early in the morning, the day which would have been the third day. (in accordance with the Jewish days counting sunset being the begining of the next day etc). On the third day after having been buried before sunset on the friday as at sunset would have been the beginning of the Jewish sabbbath, Jesus rose up just before sunrise while it was still dark John 20:1.
When Mary Magdalene came to the grave John 20:1. (and His body or rather Jesus was not as yet recognisable by His disciples ) of whom was one Jesus disciples, was weeping as Jesus was no longer in the grave and believed that someone had taken Jesus body away, and shortly after Jesus bein in the garden asked Mary why she was crying and thinking it was the gardener and thought he had taken the body of Jesus away until He spoke and mentioned Mary's name then reconised JesusJohn 20:11-16.
As recorded in the various Gospels the disciples didnt recognise Jeus at first until He made Himself known to them in various situations one being on the road to Emaus as recoded in Luke 24:13-32. Until they drew close to a village ands were having a meal, John 24:28-32. when Jesus revealed Himself while breaking the bread, Luke 24:13-32.
Jesus appeared quite a few times for about 40 days, (Of which is another topic for another time ). and at least on one occaision over 500 people. here is a link to the number of people Jesus apeared to after His resurrection:- To Whom Did Jesus Appear after His Death? ( and lastly to His disciples where He led them as far as Bethany just before he ascednded back to His Father heaven Luke 24:50-51; and in Acts 1:3. on a cloud verse 9. after His Resurrection and before he ascended back to His Father in Heaven as recorded in Mark 16:19 Luke :24-50-51 ; and Acts 1:9. ( Acts 1:2-11 ). After Jesus went back to Heaven to be with HIs Father, the Holy Spirit came and descended on the heads the disciples while in an upperroom in Jerusalem Acts 2:2-4. As Jesus had request that they should go and stay in Jersalem but wait for the promise of the Father of which ye have heard of Me -Jesus. Luke 1:4.
Believing in Jesus resurrection along with His ministry and crucifixtion as we believe, are born again not of blood or water but of the Holy Spirit John 3:1-21.especially verses 3-8. and through receiving the gift of a new life in Jesus through the Holy Spirit in and through us and in reading the Holy Bible and appropriately studying the Holy Bible along with the prompting of the Holy Spirit in praying on a daily basis and in various situations for protection among other things, draws one closer to Father God and His son Jesus in prayer praise and thanksgiving that blesses those close and dear to us and further afield, that pleases both Father God and His son Jesus bless them.
Note :- here we have a similararity between the slaughtering of the animals for the sacrifices as instuted by Father God through Moses Moses , that when the animals were slaughtered for the sacrifices as instuted by Father God throught Moses the blood was draind from the animals and then the animals were then washed clean, and it was after Jesus died on the cross that the blood and water was poured out from His side seperately after a soldier had pierced Jesus side.
Here are a few more links relating to Jesus and His Cricifixtion etc. :-
The Timing of the Crucifixion with the Passover:-
the timing of the crucifixion with passover - Google Search
The Correlation between the correlation between passover and crucifixion :-
The Correlation between the Passover and the Crucifixion - Google Search
This last link is in quite graphical medical detail relating to the Crucifixtion of Jesus starting in the Garden of Gesthsemen and ending in the piercing of Jesus side by the spear of a Roman soldier after Jesus had died.
here is the link:- The
Science of the Crucifixion - Azusa Pacific University (
Latest comments
11.07 | 05:04
Praise God wonderful site. Precious gems from the word.
Pastor Tim
08.06 | 21:08
hello dear sister Sparrow---just want to thank you again for the prayers you have offered in my behalf....God heard and Moved one me
01.04 | 04:46
hello dear miss sparrow------you are a wonderful christian person who is very Longsuffering and Loving and thank you so much for all your help
23.01 | 00:24
Thank God for your precious life dear Sparrow. God already blessed you. Thanks for sharing