Pre and Post Flood

           Pre and Post Flood Genesis 1-8.

At first it was all good Genesis 1. As time went on things became bad, so bad in fact starting with Eve and the serpent ( Satan disquising himself as a serpent and Adams disobedience in eating of the fruit offered to him by Eve. Genesis 3:1-6.

Then as time went on things became so bad, in fact that Father God destroyed the world with a flood, but not before having told Noah, and telling him to build an ark/boat and giving Noah the required dimentions, saving only 8 people, Noah his wive and 3 sons and their wives and a selection of animals and bird etc Genesis 6.

After Noah and His family and the animals entered safely into the ark Father God shut the door, and sometime after the rains came and it rained for 40 days.

After Noah and his famly and the aimals etc were safely in the ark and protected from the world around them, the rains came, and it rained as mentioned for 40 days then after many days the waters subsided and eventually the tops of the mountains were seen Genesis 8:5; and after 40 days Noah sent a raven out and later a dove who came back with an olive branch in her beak Genesis 8:11; and again later Noah sent her out again but they did'n't return, and after many days the waters subsided and eventually they touched dry land and and Father God oepened the door and told Noah that he and his wife and family and the animals could leave the ark Genesis 8:15-19.

A Different World

The door of the ark was opend upon a very different world, the old world had gone and a new world opened up before them with new beginnings on many levels.

So it is with us as we become new Christian

For some it is instant, for others its gradual but never-the-less the old is gone or going and past, and it's new beginnings on some levels in the instance of a Christian accepting Jesus and His sacrifice.

I'ts becoming a new person and with Father God's help and with the leading guiding and prompting of the Holy Spirit it becomes a different world a diffrent way of life and living in thought word and deed etc. and even in some if not most instances new frends etc., also there may be for some but not all a a time of mourning, grieving within that of repentance prompted by Father God in accepting His son Jesus and all that he has accomlished on our behalf on the cross before fully entering into the new life and becoming a real blessing etc to those close and dear to one and further afield.

The sigificance of the 40 days as mentioned in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

40 days the rain fell as recorded in Genesis 7:17

Moses was upon a mountain with Father God for 40 days during which the commandments among other laws etc were given Exodus 34:28.

And in the New Testament

Jesus spent 40 days in the desert straight after being baptised by His cousin John. Matthew 4:1; Mark1:12; and Luke 4:1.

40 days in the bible was given for a time of mourning and grieving.

The 40 days of rain Genesis 7:17 during which the old world was being destroyed due the enormity of its wickedness Genesis 6:1-7.

and and later in Geneis 8:6 40 days is mentioned when the tops of the mountains could be seen and seeing the tops of the mountains would have been and indication how the world as Noah would have known it had changed geographically and therefore seeing the begining of a very different world in seeing the tops of the mountsains Genesis 8:5.

Then there is Mose who spent 40 days on a mountain with Father God during which the 10 commandments etc. Exodus 34:28.

Here is perhaps the 40 days marking the world which Moses and the Israelites had known with very little guidence, but a heart for Father God and the occaisional or even frequent sacrices offered to Father God and the means and reasons handed down from one generation to another, and the beginning of a new life under very humane laws etc comapared to the beliefs and practises of the peoples and tribes etc around them.


40 days as mentioned in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

40 days the rain fell as recorded in Genesis 7:17

Moses was upon a mountain with Father God for 40 days during which the commandments among other laws etc were given Exodus 34:28.

And in the New Testament

Jesus spent 40 days in the desert straight after being bapttised by His cousin John, Matthew 4:1; Mark1:12; and Luke 4:1.

40 days in the bible was given for a time of mourning and grieving.

The 40 days of rain Genesis 7:17 during which te old world was being destroyed due the enormity of its wickedness Genesis 6:1-7.

and and later and 40 days is mentioned in Genesis 8:6 when the tops of the mountains could be seen and seeing the tops of the mountains would have been and indication how the wortld as Noah has known it had changed geographically and therefore seeing the begining of a very different world.

Then there is Mose who spent 40 days on a mountain with Father God during which the 10 cmmandments etcl. Exodus 34:28.

Here is perhpas the 40 days marking the wolrld which Moses and the Israelites knew with very little guidence but a heart for Father God and the occaisional or even frequent sacrices the means and reasons handed down from one generation to another and the beginning of a new life under very humane laws etc comapared the beliefs and practises of the peoples and tribes etc around them.

and i have reason to believe that the 40 days Jesus spent inthe desert was for Him time to grieve having to leave His home family and friends etc. before entering into a new life as and itinerent minister with no fixed abode as recorded in Luke 9:58 etc comeing along side the poor and needy preachand teach and healing etc.

Evidnece of the Journey of Moses and the srealites through the desert to the Promised land

There is a mountain near the Gulf of Aquaba /Red sea that is only black at the top called Jebel el lawz.

Due the Saudia Arabia being islamic the area has been fenced off bythe govenment. There is pole /post that had been set up on both sides of of the Red sea in memory of the parting of the sea, so as Moses and the Isrealites and mixed multitude could cross dry shod and safely to the other side, also there is a large area near by the sinai peninsular that is large enough for very large group of people could camp amd also a land bridge a little way under the water among other interesting facts including the finding of remains of chariots etc in the water near by the land bridge indictaing the relality of the Journey taken to the promised Land and Father Gods protection and provison etc.

Here are a couple of links with photos that show the mountain with its blackend top among other interesting photos relating to the Journey.

here are the links mentioned above :-

Though the links may read the same but they will take one to diffrent pages also one can time in Google the Real Mount Sinai and several sites will come up, but i have found the two I have given links to are quite good in regardsto photos and text on the above topic.

The topic of the Mountain etc.

The topic of the mountain etc may be discussed further on another page under a seperate title some time in the future.

Post and Pre Flood Genesis 1- 8

Latest comments

11.07 | 05:04

Praise God wonderful site. Precious gems from the word.
Pastor Tim

08.06 | 21:08

hello dear sister Sparrow---just want to thank you again for the prayers you have offered in my behalf....God heard and Moved one me

01.04 | 04:46

hello dear miss sparrow------you are a wonderful christian person who is very Longsuffering and Loving and thank you so much for all your help

23.01 | 00:24

Thank God for your precious life dear Sparrow. God already blessed you. Thanks for sharing

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