Moses who was found in the bull rushes by Pharoahs daughter, took Moses as her adopted son, who, it was possibly believed in due course destined to be the next Pharoah given time Exodus 1:1-10, but due to Moses anger, who approached two Israelites who were fighting whom Moses confronted and they in turn confronted Moses with his actions the day before, that led to the death of an overseer which caused Moses to flee. Exodus 2:11-15.
Moses fled to the desert where he lived in comaparative isolation herding sheep in Midian, in what is now known as Saudia Arabia. Exodus 2:15. Many think and believe that Moses had a speach impediment. As Moses mentioned to Father God that he, Moses was slow of speach and didnt want to confront or speak to Pharoah, so Father God raised up his brother Araaron to speak in his stead and on his and Father Gods behalf. Exodus 4:10-16
Moses from Floating in amongst the Bull Rushes, to Palace, to Shepherd, to Leader.
Here we have a man who having been found floating in a basket in the bullrushes, taken to be brought up in a palace as princesses son for about 40 years, with all that pertains to living as son of a Pharoahs daughter etc. and all that pertains to palace life, and due to a moment of anger flees to the desert, where Moses settles and marries and herds sheep in virtual isolation for 40 years. Exodus 1:1-2:21.
So it would hardly be suprising under such circumstances if one was called to speak to a king in this instance, Pharoah that Moses speach would not be as it was all those years ago while living in luxery etc. as Pharoahs daughters son, and hardly surprising that combined with age bearing in mind that he would be about 80 when Moses approached the burning bush etc.Exodus 3:1-4. that Moses speach would be slow etc. and would rather not speak personaly to Pharoah, whereby his brother from all accounts as recorded was able to speak well, Exodus 4:14. but as not recorded did not live such a life either in a palace or possibly a nomadic life in the desert herding sheep etc. and therefore probably more confident etc. hence possibly why Father God raised up Araaron Moses brother to speak on his Moses and Father Gods behalf, instead of Moses. Exodus 4:14.
Comparasions between Moses and David
1) Moses who lived in a palace with all its accoutrements etc. due to a set of circumstances fled to a desert and lived a nomadic life that well prepared Moses as did his earlier life living as prince in a palace as Pharoahs daughters son to lead the people out of Egypt to the Promised land. Exodus1:5-2:15; 2:21.
2) David who too lived a nomadic life, herding sheep and he too became a leader of people and his previous life as shepherd also 1 Samuel 16:19; 17:12-14; 17:20. prepared him as leader of people, that prepared David to be king, king (unlike Moses who was raised up to be possibly king /Pharoash but fled to a desert and later to lead the people out of Egypt to the Promised land through that same desert) whom Father God anointed by Samual a prophet many years before while still a shepherd for such a purpsose.1Samuel 16:1-13.
1) Both Moses and David were to become leaders.
A) Moses to lead the people from out of Egypt to the promised land.
2) Both were unable to enter to that for which they led the people.
A) Moses unable to enter the promised land due to his anger in striking a rock that brought forth water. Numbers 20:7-12.
B) David was not able to build the temple due the shedding of blood in one instantance the shedding of blood of an innocent man. 2 Samuel Chapters 11-12; 2 Samuel 7:1-17; 1 Chronicles 22:1-10, especcialy verse 8;1 Chronicles 28:1- 6
Both were great leaders raised up by Father God, one Moses to lead the people from out of Egypt to the promised land, the other David as king to lead and reign over the people the Isrealites.
Both were shepherds.
One, Moses became a shepherd. Exodus 2:15, 21. The Other, David, born to be a shepherd.
One possibly destined to become king as mentioned earlier, but due to various circumstnace fled, later become a leader of many people
The Other David a shepherd in due course became king. and anointed as such while still a shepherd 2 Samuel 7:8.
Jesus The son Of Father God
Then there is Jesus the son of God, who left His heavenly home to be born a human, and in various ways through His ministry and teaching led many into Father Gods kingdom, as His disciples did and many who have been lovingly reconciled to Father God through accepting Jesus etc are still doing so today through the the help leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit as a concequence of Jesus sacrifice of His life on the cross at Calvary and subsequent ressurection and ascension back to His Father God in heaven.
1) We have Jesus as ones Shepherd and leader, due to his birth, life, ministry and teaching, death, resurrection and ascension and as a consequence the dwelling, leading, guiding, directing, teaching and prompting of the Holy Spirit.
2) Moses who was possibly destined to become a king, a Pharoah, but became a shepherd who then led many people out of Egypt through the desert to the promised land.
3) David who was born a shepherd was later annointed to be king who became a forefather/ancestor of Jesus and whose throne Father God delares is for ever and ever and whom spirtually Jesus Father Gods sits on for all eterrnity. 2 Samuel 7:13, 16, (7:1-17); Psalm 89:4, 29, 35-37,Isaiah 9:7 Matthew 1:31-33. (26-33).
I think that the above shows something of how even when young Father God is preparing one for a particular purpose in life.
Moses being first brought up as an Egyption prince after having been nursed by his mother etc and later as a Shepherd, was well prepared for what lay ahead in years to come in coming into and confronting Pharoah etc. and later fleeing to a desert and becoming nomadic herding sheep that well prepared him to lead the people to the promised land through that very same desert.
David as shepherd and guarding and protecting his and his family sheep from all dangers etc though not mentioned in the piece above, coming against quite a fiercesome enemy in Goliath with just the weapons of a few stones one in fact, and a shepherds sling, and later though not mentioned in the piece above. led groups of men to fight against the enemy all of which prepared him for his later role as King over Israel.
Also Florence Nightingale comes to mind according to a biography; for as a child Florence often bandaged her teddies etc amongst other things that sort of prepared her or the heart was given for the work that lay ahead in nursing etc. and im sure that there are many other such examples where people either were prepared or had a heart for what lay ahead in later life to the help and benefit of others etc. Bless them.
Where as Jesus born into a carpenters family and most probably engaged in that employment until his brothers could take the busisnes over and then Jesus after being baptised by His cousin etc. spent 40 days in the desert, after which he began His ministry for three years, than died and rose again and ascended to His Father in Heaven.
During Jesus life time he did much of what he had seen his Father do, which Jesus Himself is recorded saying, John 5:19-21; compare 2 Kings 4:17-37; 1Where Elisha raises a dead young person, in Father Gods mercy, of which some is recorded in the Old Testament 2Kings 4:17-37. the Giving of the Manna. Exodus 16- 4-5,14-18. and the quail Exodus 4:11-13. The feeding of the five thousand Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17; and Mark 8: 1-9. the feeding of the four thousand Matthew 15:29-38; and many other instances too, the healing of Naaman 2 Kings 1-14.
It is possible that Father God did much more, which Jesus even saw his Father do and accomplish while Jesus was still in Heaven
While in Heaven Jesus would have observed His Father do and did like wise only more while on earth during those 3 years, some of which is recorded, which is recorded, and as John says much more was accomplished by Jesus that not recorded John 21:24. I am sure Father God accomplished much more in the Old Testament times too, but has has not been recorded in the Holy Bible, but possibly recorded if at all in other books some of which are mentined in the Holy Bible, but if they were, those records have sadly been lost or destroyed by and through various means.
Latest comments
11.07 | 05:04
Praise God wonderful site. Precious gems from the word.
Pastor Tim
08.06 | 21:08
hello dear sister Sparrow---just want to thank you again for the prayers you have offered in my behalf....God heard and Moved one me
01.04 | 04:46
hello dear miss sparrow------you are a wonderful christian person who is very Longsuffering and Loving and thank you so much for all your help
23.01 | 00:24
Thank God for your precious life dear Sparrow. God already blessed you. Thanks for sharing