Various Prayers


 For those  who are  Grieving  the loss of Loved Ones 

 Dear Heavenly Father i pray that in your in infinte mercy  thst you will wrap your loving arms around all those  who are grieving the loss of loved ones and  those close and dear to them of love warmth comfort and peace in very tangible ways, and i pray that you will raise up people to come alongside them and those close to them and to be a comfort blessing strength encouragement and support and in practical ways,  i ask these things in Jesus name.  Thank you Father God.

 For those who are  Seeking  Employment or Further  Employment  

Dear Heavenly  Father i pray  for all those that are seeking employment  or further employment that in your infinite mercy  that you will open doors of employment for seeking  emloyment or further employment, to enter in and engage in the employment that blesses those they work with, for and for, and  those close and dear to them and further afield. i ask  these things in Jesus name.  Thankyou Father God.

 For those  Who are Seeking  Accomodation or Further  Accomodation 

 Dear Heavenly Father i pray that in your infinite mercy that you will lead guide and direct all those who are seeing accommodation or further accommodation  to a pleasent, peaceful,  safe, and affordable accommodaton in a pleasant, peaceful and safe area with pleasant and peaceful neighbours and pleasant understanding patient and approachable landlords / landladies.  i ask these  things in Jesus name. Thankyou.   Father God.

For Those who are  Suffering in Various Ways 

Dear Heavenly Father i pray for all those  who are suffering and in pain through various situations and circumstances and various means, through thought word, deed, attitude, behaviour, belief or practice,  mentaly, physically, spiritually or emotionally, i pray that  in your infinite mercy that you will undertake in such ways that they will be restored and gain such health that enables them to live a quality of life that  blesses those close and dear to them and further afield. i ask these  things in Jesus name. Thankyou Father God.

For  Those who are Suffering and in Pain 

Dear Heavnely Father i pray for all those who are  suffering and in pain, that in your infinite mercy you will bring about all that is needful to alliviate their pain and suffering and grant them a quality of life that  blesses those close and dear to them and further afield.  I ask these  things in Jesus name. Thankyou Father God.  

For Those  Who are Struggling in their Marriages.

Dear Heavenly Father i pray for all those who are struggling in various ways in  their marriages.  i pray that in your infinite mercy that you will  undertake and bring about all that is needful to strengthen their marriges and in such ways that bless one another and those  close and dear to them and further afield.   i ask these things in Jesus name. Thankyou Father God.

For those Who are Separating and  being Seperated from Loved Ones 

 Dear Heavenly Father i pray that in your infinite mercy that you will  undertake and bring about all that is needful for a reconcilliation to be accomlished for those who are seperating and are seperated from loved ones and in such ways that bless one another and  further afield.   i ask these things in Jesus name.  Thankyou  Father God. 

 A Prayer of Thanksgiving  for all that Jesus has accomplished on the Cross at Calvery 

 Thankyou Father God for your infinite mercy bless you.

Thankyou Lord Jesus for implimentin the infinte  mercy of Father God on the cross at Calvery as a sacrifice of your life Lord Jesus on our behalf bless you .


For Those who are in need of being  released  from the enemy, and  their strongholds. 

Dear Heavenly Father I pray that in your infinite mercy that i may be released from all that has come against me, and in your mercy protect me in loving ways, and and impliment  your love and warmthin such a way that thaht i am released from the enemy and filled with your love and warmth, and of your son Jesus and your word and all that pertains to your word.         

Forgive me for all that i have said and done in thought word and deed that has caused the enemy to have such a hold on me, over my head soul and spirit, and the areas vacated filled with your healing balm forgiveness, love warmth, comfort and peace, in veryy tangible ways,ways that bless those close to one and further afield I ask these things in Jesus name Thankyou Father God.  Bless you.

Latest comments

11.07 | 05:04

Praise God wonderful site. Precious gems from the word.
Pastor Tim

08.06 | 21:08

hello dear sister Sparrow---just want to thank you again for the prayers you have offered in my behalf....God heard and Moved one me

01.04 | 04:46

hello dear miss sparrow------you are a wonderful christian person who is very Longsuffering and Loving and thank you so much for all your help

23.01 | 00:24

Thank God for your precious life dear Sparrow. God already blessed you. Thanks for sharing

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