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The Little Tug Boat that Got Left Behind
Inspired by a Photograph of Three Little Tug Boats in Portsmouth Harbour in New Hampshire in The USA for a Jigsaw Puzzle
There were three little tug boats moored in a harbour, and one day two of the tug boats were called to tow a rather large ship safely into harbour, and when they reached the ship the Captains and crew set about all that was needful to tow the ship into harbour, along with the two little tug boats was another little boat with a pilot on board, who with the help of the two little tug boats would steer the large ship safely into the harbour, and the other Little tug boat was left behind and for a very short time felt a little sad as the little tug boat was'n't called to help, then, then the little tug boat's spirits lifted as the sun shone. After a while a few seagulls kept the little tug boat company and then the little tug boat realised that only two tug boats were needed and kept each other company as they worked and towed the large ship safely into the harbour. Then one day a very large and long ship came and anchored just outside the harbour, and three tugboats were needed to work and tow the very large ship safely into harbour and the little tug boat that was left behind was really happy that he was called with his two friends to work and tow a very very long and large ship safely into harbour.
So it is with us sometimes, when there is a group of people at a school, home or work, and a couple or more people or young people may be called to perform a certain task that only need a few people or young people to accomplish that task or tasks, that may leave one or more in the group behind. Sometimes that can cause one to be sad, then those left behind remember, or its brought to their rememberance times when they were called to accomplish a certain task or tasks either together or on ones own, and then know that that time would come again. So it is with us rather than believing that one has not been asked to perform or accomplish a specific task or tasks, there comes a time through Father God's help ( through His son Jesus and the help of the Holy Spirit ) [ or Jesus } arranges it in such away that the opportunity arises that one or a number of the members of a group who had not been asked before, are given a certain task or tasks sometimes not always more important than those that only a certain number of people in the group were required before, leaving others behind. In lovingingly accomplishing the task or tasks, one or more of the members of the group are asked or might be invited to accomplish more important tasks that bless those for which the task or tasks are being accomplished and those close ad dear to them and further afield that gladdens the hearts of those who had lovingly accomplished that or those tasks, as sure as it did the little tug boat which was left behind and a bit later was called along with their two friends to work and tow a very large and long ship safely in to harbour with the help of the pilot on board the very large and long ship too.
Praise God wonderful site. Precious gems from the word.
Pastor Tim
11.07 | 05:04
hello dear sister Sparrow---just want to thank you again for the prayers you have offered in my behalf....God heard and Moved one me
08.06 | 21:08
hello dear miss sparrow------you are a wonderful christian person who is very Longsuffering and Loving and thank you so much for all your help
01.04 | 04:46
Thank God for your precious life dear Sparrow. God already blessed you. Thanks for sharing
23.01 | 00:24
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Henry the Little Tug Boat Braving a Stormy and Choppy Sea
There were a couple of ships anchored out to sea but close the little harbor. who needed tug boats to bring them safely i nto harbour, just two of them were needed to tow one of the ships into the harbour leaving Henry the little tug boat behind, then Henry was called to tow the other ship safely into harbour, that ship was a little smaller than the other one that needed two tug boats, therefore only needed one tug boat to tow the smaller ship into harbour and Henry was so pleased that he was called to tow the ship into the harbour. On the way to the ship the weather deteriated and the sea became quite choppy and the captain could hardly see out of the window, the captain soon turned the windscreen wipers on and as a consequence was able to steer Henry to the waiting ship and though Henry struggled a little he bravely persevered and reached the ship and and bravely towed the smaller ship safely into the little harbour and Henry's captain was really pleased and complimented Hery saying " well done little one" and the little tugboat if he could have would have beamed with a really big smile on his face.
So It iswith us sometimes, that when we are called to accomplish perhaps a small task and for some reason that task becomes quite difficult and one is struggling to accomplish that task as occasionaly the storms of life can hinder one in accomplising that task, yet by boldy perservering and praying and asking Jesus to help, He often will help and guide one through those storms and difficulties that try to hinder us from finishing that task, and sometimes there is or will be someone who will say "Well done", and especially Jesus, though one may never see or hear Jesus say as much, but I am sure that He does and in such away that it lifts ones spirits and puts a smile one ones face, as it did Henry the little tug boat when his captain said "Well done", having boldly perseverd in towing the smaller ship through the heavy and choppy sea due to the storm and brought the smaller ship safely into the little harbour.
Note:- Mattew 25:20-21 comes to mind from the story of the talents :- Matthew:14-30
© vabswall 6.8.2019 apart from the the Photo as text mentions under the photo mentions
The Repainting and Sprucing up of Henry and His Friends
One day the Captains and their crew came and boarded the little tug boats with pots of paint and cleaning materials and all that is needful to spruce up the little tug boats, and washed repaired painted, and all that needed oiling too, also there were some repairs needed as well, and where needed parts replaced too,so that everything would work well and be as good as new and be able to accomplish all that was needful in towing large and not so large ships and boats with even more energy then they were abe to before being repaired and spruced up, just as they had when the little tug boats were brand new. They were so happy that they had been repaired, cleaned, oiled and repainted and in such away that they positivley gleamed and shone inn the bright sunlight.
And so it is with when with the help of others through the love care and prompting of Father God through His son, whenwe turn our lives around and accept Jesus Father Godsson. For when we accept Jesus, we are cleansed from all the dirt and grime of the past caused by wrong things said and done and are repaired and restored and in such away that we are happy, and through Father Gods help through His son Jesus in some instances are healed not always I hasten to add in the way one may expect but in such ways that enable one to live with Father Gods help a quality of life that blesses those close and dear to us and further afield just as the liitle tug boats were able to be more able to pull the large and not so large ships and boats more easily after having been repaired and repainted oiled and spruced up to the satisfaction of their repective captains and crew.
© vabswall 11.8.2019.
Thomas and His Friends Aquantances of Henry and His Friends And Bonnie the Pilot Boat
Due to the raging of the sea and the stormy waves tossed by the galeforce winds and the spraying of the sea above the waves by the strong winds, Henry and his friends had to stay safely in the harbour as the stormy sea and the angry waves sprayed the windows of Henry and his friends (the little tugboats),though they were safely in the harbour), whereby the captains of the little tugboats could hardly see out of the windows have after having climbed aboard and and would have been unable to guide Henry and his frieds out to sea to tow the large ship waiting some distance outide the harnoour safley into harbour due to the strength of the of the galeforce winds and the tossing of the waves.
Henry's other friends Thomas and His friends who were more able to contend with the stormy sea and galeforce winds to bring the ship waiting just out side the harbour.
Thomas and His friends bravely managed to reach the ship where a crew meber was waiting to toss a line to a members of the crews of Thomas and his friends bobbying up and down in the raging sea, they managed to toss the lines being tossed to and fro in the strong winds, then the crews of the larger tug boats were then able to attach the ropes to
the cleats on board of Thomas and his friends, during which time the Pilot came out on a Pilot boat called Bonnie and given time with the help of Thomas and his friends steared the ship safely into harbour and Thamas and his friends and bonnie went safely back to their moorings.
Sometimes we too need Henry and his frinds and aquantences as metioned above or rather others of whom Father God has laid upon their hearts to come alongside us to lead, guide and comfort us durig the stressful times among perhaps other times of life too, and in such ways that strengthens ones faith and trust in Father God through His son Jesusas through the help wisdom and guidenc of the Holy Spirit as recorded in the Holy Bible, and others reconciled unto Father God and His son Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit that blesses those close and dear to one another and many others, like Henry and his friends and aquaintences and the pilot from Bonie the pilot boat to guide the ship in to harbour safe from the storm raging out at sea and we like the ship in the stormy sea needs Thomas and his friend the aqaintences of Henry and his friends and raging sea need the help comfort wisdom and guidaqnce of others of whom Father God draws us close to and for many others the love warmth comfort and peace of Father God himself wrapping His loving arms around us in very very tangible ways, as as the crew of the ship threw the line to the crew of Thomas and His friends thew to those on the ship being tossed around in the heaving sea due to the storm raging around them we are as like a life line to them, and so those coming alongside us in various needs through the prompting of Father God are too like a life line to those in such need.
For those who are reconclied unto Father God and others being reconciled through such comfort wisdom and guidence of others as prompted of Father God are far greater than the pilot that guides ships of varoious shapes and sizes into harbour and some with and with out the aid of Henry and his friends and aquantences safely into harbour.
Father God through the resurrection and ascension of His son Jesus Gives the gift of the Holy Spirit to willingly and lovingly dwell within and through us leading guiiding and yes transforming one into the image and likeness day by day into the immage of Father Gods only son Jesus in thought word and deed as recorded in the Holy Bible
By leading guiding one in lovingly reading and studying the Holy Bible that the words one reads and studies in the Holy Bible and all that pertains to that study comes back to us through the help and comfort of the Holy Spirit in prayer, praise thanksgiving, and worship in various situations and circumstances that blesses and comforts one and or those close and dear ot us and many others and those whose paths one comes across along lifes way through the help and comforet of the Holy Spirit that pleases Father God and glorifies His sone Jesus bless them.
When life rages around us
Like the raging and stormy sea,
We can call upon Father God
To Lead comfort and guide us
Safely hrough those difficult
Dark days and times of Life,
And lead us in His ways
As Henry, his frienda
And aquantences
Lead and guide the ships
Safely into harbour.
And by the Holy Spirit
Through those stormy times
Safely into a harbour
That is pleasant, peaceful
And safe for all eternity.
And the waves tossoing about
The little boats.
The larger ships,
And sailing boats
Among other water craft
bravely plow through
the raging and angrey waves
Many making their way
safely into harbour,
Some with the help and guidance
Of Henry his frinds and aquaintances
And of the pilot.
And so with us,
Many with the help of others,
Through the help wisdom, and guidence,
Of the Holy Spirit
And others through
Love warmth peace and comfort
Of Father God in very tangible wasys
And others through
The intercession of others
As of the Prompting of Father God
And His son Jesus
Bless Him .
vabswall 21.5.2023.
Above is a video link to a tug boat in heavy seas - stormy seas
Here is a link to a page of Videos etc. in rough and heavy seas :-
Photo by George Dijkstra, accessed via Flickr under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic Licence.
The above is a video link to a tugboat in rough seas
Note :-
One day the Captains and their crew came and boarded the little tug boats with pots of paint and cleaning materials and all that is needful to spruce up the little tug boats, and washed repaired painted, and all that needed oiling too, also there were some repairs needed as well, and where needed parts replaced too, so that everything would work well and be as good as new and be able to accomplish all that was needful in towing large and not so large ships and boats with even more energy then they were abe to before being repaired and spruced up, just as they had when the little tug boats were brand new. They were so happy that they had been repaired, cleaned, oiled and repainted and in such away that they positivley gleamed and shone inn the bright sunlight.
And so it is with when with the help of others through the love care and prompting of Father God through His son, when we turn our lives around and accept Jesus Father Gods son. For when we accept Jesus, we are cleansed from all the dirt and grime of the past caused by wrong things said and done and are repaired and restored and in such away that we are happy, and through Father Gods help through His son Jesus in some instances are healed not always I hasten to add in the way one may expect but in such ways that enable one to live with Father Gods help a quality of life that blesses those close and dear to us and further afield just as the liitle tug boats were able to be more able to pull the large and not so large ships and boats more easily after having been repaired and repainted oiled and spruced up to the satisfaction of their repective captains and crew.
© vabswall 11.8.2019.