Righteousness I have reason to believe, is living a right way as Father God laid out in the 10 Commandments and the Civil and Moral Laws as found in Exodus 20, and the books of Leviticus and Numbers and summerised in the book of Deuteronomy.
Jesus lived and died by living in accordance of those laws, and made atonement for us in regards to us having broken and breaking those laws through His death on the cross at Calvary for our redemption and the shedding of His blood and water for the forgiveness and cleansing of ones sins, whereby fulfilling the Ceremeonial Law, so that through Jesus sacrifice on the cross one is able to be reconciled with Father God and live in accordance with His righteousness in lovely ways through the help,comfort, leading, guidance and directing of the Holy Spirit, as Jesus did as an example, and encouraged others too including his disciples during the last three years of his life though his ministry and teaching etc. as recorded in the Gospels, especially Johns Gospel.
So that living in accordance with both the civil and moral laws, and the teaching of Jesus in rightoueness ( right living, in thought,word and deed ) as mentioned above, in lovely ways that blesses one another, not legalistically, through the help, comfort, leading, guidance and directing of the Holy Spirit, and accepting Jesus the son of Father God. one will be with Father God and Jesus for all eternity.
The Holy Spirit would be a help and comfort and would abide with one forever as Jesus Mentioned in John 14:16.
Latest comments
11.07 | 05:04
Praise God wonderful site. Precious gems from the word.
Pastor Tim
08.06 | 21:08
hello dear sister Sparrow---just want to thank you again for the prayers you have offered in my behalf....God heard and Moved one me
01.04 | 04:46
hello dear miss sparrow------you are a wonderful christian person who is very Longsuffering and Loving and thank you so much for all your help
23.01 | 00:24
Thank God for your precious life dear Sparrow. God already blessed you. Thanks for sharing