There is something very special in Jesus first miracle. the miracle of turning the water into wine at the marriage feast in Cana which was in Galilee.
1) The pots or jars containing the water were huge and the water was used for purification of the Jews. John 2:6. compare Exodus 30:17-21.
2) Jesus at the last supper lifted the cup of wine and mentioned that it was symbolic of his blood that would be poured out on the cross at his crucifixtion. Luke 22:20. and that he would not drink of the cup of wine until the kingdom shall come Luke 22.18. Presumably at the marriage feast of the lamb in heaven. Revelation 19:9.
3) I have reason to believe it was Father God's way through His son Jesus to sanctify and bless the marriage and its covenants (vows), and by extention marriage in genearal, the union between a man and a woman under the covenant of a marriage.
4) Father God created Adam and Eve,and created Eve to be a helpmeet for Adam, and was considered to be his Adams wife. Genesis 1:26-28; 31; and Genesis 2:20-25.
5) To produce wine, grapes have to be crushed to such an extent so as to extract the juice.
5b) Jesus has to be crushed to such an extent through all that he suffered just before and during His crucifixtion so as the blood and water would be poured out seperately when His side was pierced, for both our redemption when He died and the blood and the water for the cleansing of our sins and trepasses etc. when the blood and water was poured out seperately.
It is interestng to note it was water used to purify the jews that Jesus turned into wine and the very first miracle mentioned. John 2:1-11.
It is also interesting to note that Cana was in Galilee, and Gallilee was known as Galliee of the nations. Isaiah 9:1 also one is reminded of the scripture in Isaiah 9:2. The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.
1) One is reminded that Galilee was a very cosmoplitan area of whom many Gentiles lived visted, traded, and also there were quite a few trade routes passing through Galilee too. see :- It was also an area that Jesus chose too, after having left Jerusalem and Judea due to the hostility of the religious leaders in and around Jerusalem and Judea to teach and minister etc. John 7:1-9.
2) When Father God gave Moses the details etc of how the temple and its furniture was to be constructed etc huge lavers or basins were included in the plans, they were to be filled with water and used for the purifying the priests before performing any of their duties especialy before Father God on behalf of the people and even themselves as mentioned in Exodus30:17-21.
3) it is interesting to note that the huge basisn were positioned not far from where the animals were to be prepared for the sacrifices on behalf of the people, or at least in the same courtyard although a little way away from the animals being prepared etc. :-
4) Father God ordained the mariage when He created Eve to be a helpmeet for Adam Genesis 1:18. were in Genesis 2:25. it is declares the man and his wife, therefore infering that Adam and Eve were husband and wife.
5) Adam and Eve were also considered one flesh. Genesis 2:24. For this to be accomplished a man has to leave their mother and father, that is releasing their dependancy etc. on his parents and through Father Gods help transfer that that dependency etc. to his wife where by they become one flesh that is in mind and spirit etc. especially in caring and bringing up offspring. Genesis 2:24. and Jesus reiterates this in Matthew 19:4-6; and quotes Gensis 1:26-27. and also is quoted in Mark too 10:6-8.
5b) Jesus also mentioned in John 10:30 that He and His Father are one and this is brought out in his teachin and ministry and care for others especially the vunerable and needy who were treated badly often by the religious leaders etc. of whom many followed Jesus some of whom became his disciples, as mentioned in the Gospels and especilaly in Acts 1-2:1.
1) Here we see That Father God created male and female Genesis 1:26-27.
2) One flesh as Adam declared that Eve was of his bones and of his flesh. genesis 2:23.
3) The man has to leave his parents and cleave to his wife as a means with Father Gods help to implement a successful marriage.
4) Jeus blesses and sanctifies the marriage through turning the water into wine ( the water stored in the huge jars for the purification of the jews). John 2:6. This being His, Jesus's very first miacle.
4b) the total amount of water held in the six jars would have been about 20 gallons. :-( )I I
4c) Incidently the marriage feast could last for some days see :-
5) This takes one back indirectly to Father God creating a woman for man so as to become husband and wife, and here Jesus being at the wedding at Cana and turning the water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana. John 2:1-11. is in some way consilidating and strengthening the union between a man and a woman there by becoming one flesh.
6) It is very significant that Jesus's very first miracle was at a wedding feast as mentioned and as an indirect request by His, Jesus's mother bless her John 2:3.
7) It is also quite significant that the water Jesus used to change into wine was for the purification of the Jews.
Here is a photo of a very large stone jar that may or may not have stored water for purification jar of that particular size may have or not have been used to store water on ones personal property at the time of Jesus but the pots/jars were large, and sadly, as mentioned in the article, those in collections apparently cannot be photograph for some reaso, and this photo is one of only a few that i have found on the internet, one of which is a bit more wordy, and taking in many other sites and mentions that which is not applicaple to this topic.
8) Turning
the water into wine not only manifested His Glory but caused His disciples to believe on Him.
9) So turning water into wine, being Jesus first miracle before the start of His ministry of teaching healing etc. He blesses and sanctifies a marriage here on earth in Cana in Galilee as a forshadow of the marriage in heaven where He, Jesus will drink the cup of wine that he declined at the last supper. Luke 22:8. and where we as Christians will live with Him for all eternity, protected from ever being in situations that could or would break the marriage covenant.
10) The water that was changed into wine pleased the host of the wedding feast, though he didnt know where the wine came from, although others. namely the servants and Jesus mother as well perhaps those who accompanied them, and called the bridegroom to say as much bless him. John 2:9-10. As a result of turning the water into wine not only did his disciple believe on Him but in the process it manifested the glory of Jesus as the son of the Living God bless Him John 2:11.
It is interesting to note that the marriage was in Cana of Gallilee an area as mentioned earlier, was very cosmopolitan, with many gentiles living and working there amongst the Jewish population, along with the Roman solders etc. who were there to ensure peace etc. too, and Galilee is also mentioned in Isaiah 9:1: many many years before Jesus etc. and Jesus spent most of His last three years in that area and some of his disciples lived and worked in Galilee too, as did many of His followers and those at the wedding feast too, and at the marriage feast in heaven there will be many christains who have come from many diverse races and nations as well as messianic Jews, those who were Jews and have become Christains.
So that which is recorded in John 2:1-11. one sees in some respects a microsm of what it is to come later in eternity with Jesus, as a begining of a new life with Him though one is givvena new life in Him, Jesus when one accepts Him etc. which is truly fulfilled later in eternity, bless Him.
As a marraige here on earth is a new begining for a man and a woman when they are joined together in a marriage cermony, and celebrated at a reception as was the wedding at Cana was celebrated with a feast John 2:8. and as Adam began a new life with Eve as his wife Genisis 2:25. so one begins a new life in eternity with Jesus after the marriage feast in Heaven.
Here is a link to a video utube of a wedding feast, where the bride and groom are dressed in tradional Jewish wedding attire:-
Here is a another link this time to a utube video of a tradional wedding feast in Israel presumably in a village or small town not disimilar to perhaps Cana where Jesus and His family attended a wedding feast and Jesus turned the water into wine John 2:11. etc. this video seems to portray an enactment of a wedding ceremony/feast that Jesus might have attended in Cana with His mother and family and turned water into wine as mentioned John 2:11.
© vabs wall.
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11.07 | 05:04
Praise God wonderful site. Precious gems from the word.
Pastor Tim
08.06 | 21:08
hello dear sister Sparrow---just want to thank you again for the prayers you have offered in my behalf....God heard and Moved one me
01.04 | 04:46
hello dear miss sparrow------you are a wonderful christian person who is very Longsuffering and Loving and thank you so much for all your help
23.01 | 00:24
Thank God for your precious life dear Sparrow. God already blessed you. Thanks for sharing