Jesus and the Gaderene Mark 5:1-20

It is interesting that shortly after the demoniac was healed and in his right mind that the villagers came out to see what had happened especially to the pigs. They were more concerned that their livelyhood had gone, due to the demons going into the pigs and causing them to rush into the sea and drown, then they were in the healing of the demoniac who had been so tormented that he lived among the tombs and cut himself and even chains and fetters could'n't hold him etc.

What does this tell one :-

1) That there are people, sadly more interested in their own self interest and what concerns them, as in this instance their livelyhood then a man who had been seriously tormented etc. until Jesus came, and in His comapssion and mercy released released the demoniac from the torment and the cause of that torment.

A) The rich young ruler comes to mind to some extend as was'n't able to relinguish in his heart his wealth.

2) The man who had been released /set free wanted to follow Jesus, but due to the enormity of the demoniacs realease, Jesus asked him to go back to his people and tell them all that Jesus had said and done as he wanted to follow Jesus, bless him

3) This episode in Jesus ministry as recorded in Mark 5:1-20. Says just how much Jesus has love,comapssion, and mercy even on the most unlovely, and heals and restroes them. Bless Him.

4) How much some people are concerned for themselves rather than in others in appropriate ways and the enormity of the blessings one receives in believing and accepting Jesus etc. and the consequences of such rejection etc. as in the episode recorded in Mark 5:1-20. the pigs drowning and their owners livleyhood gone.

A) Incidenly pigs can swim, but in this instance due to the demons desire to enter the pigs as many as two thousand as recorded in Mark 5:13 (which in Jewish culture considered unclean as they are to day in the Jewish culture) to enter the pigs and they ran down a steep place and drowned Mark 5:13. which gives one and undertanding just how much the enemy is out to destroy etc.

5) One thing that is not recorded and not known is the impact that the demoniac now healed restored and in their right mind etc had on their family and others of their village and surrounding area, with out speculating too much, I should imagine that it was quite an impact, as he would have been well known as someone who had lived among the tombs and that even chains and fetters could not contain/hold him etc. and was probably fed perhaps by members of his family and others, leaving food somewhere for him.

6)That Jesus came not only to save etc. but to heal and restore (in various ways, as not all are healed etc. in peopel like the one recorded in Mark 5:1-20. but in accordance with Father Gods will. Joni Erickson comes to mind )

John 3:16 and as recorded in the Gospels, even we as humans would consider not worthy etc. and rejected by family, friends, and even some members if not the whole community, even in church in some instances,and society at large, but Father God sent His son Jesus, and through all that Jesus has accomplished at Calvery, all are welcome and accepted, but sadly like those who kept the pigs and the rich young ruler etc. will reject Jesus, some for a while, as we dont know that given time, those people or at least some may have come to accept Jesus through the testimonies of those who have been healed and restored etc. The mixed multitude that came out of Egypt comes to mind (also Ruth who accepted her mother-in-laws God, the God of the Israelites etc.) as I am sure there were some of their offspring who had accepted the Mosaic laws etc. and for some, later, for one does'n't know what transpires between a person on their deathbed before they take their last breath and Father God.


It is interesting that the unclean spirits asked to go into the pigs which Father God has delared to be unlean Levitus 11:7. and subsequently destroyed them.

Also it is intereng that the unclean spirits though dwelling in the demoniac as recorded in Mark 5:2. could not destroy the demoniac, but when he saw Jesus, ran to Him and worshipped Jesus; as at that time and in that cuture, kneeling before a human, epecially a digintary, or some one seen as important etc. or someone of power, or considered worthy of such worship, was often seen and accepted as worship  by such people or someone who was or was considered to be worthy of worship in such a way, as in this instance the demoniac seeing Jesus afar of  running and worshippping before Jesus, Mark 5:6 interestingly enough before he was restored to his right mind etc.


Father God prevented the unlean spirits from destroying the man. but had no hestitation allowing through Jesus His son the destruction of the pigs considerd unclean in Israel by unclean spirits, could it be a foreshadow of things to come as recordced in the Book of Revelation to those who have rejected Father God and His son Jesus and have hardended their hearts and engaged in unclean practices etc and adopted unclean attributes etc. and are not destroyed in a body of water as the pigs were but sent to the lake of fire for all eternity.

But those who are willing to accept Jesus and sit at His feet especially those who have been redeemed and delivered and released from the clutches of of the enemy and their unclean spirits etc and healed and restored etc.will be truly blessed and a blessing to others too, and like the woman who had been and was considered a sinner washed the feet of Jesus with her tears and hair Luke 7:27-38. are truly grateful and apreciative of all that has been accompished in their being and lives and willing to sit and learn and go out and about, and proclaim and publish in word or some other means, and like the demoniac recorded in Mark 5:1-20. after Jesus had healed and restored him that many will be blessed, as I am sure many of those whom this man (whom many would have known as mentioned earlier), when Jesus restored him were a blessing to them

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11.07 | 05:04

Praise God wonderful site. Precious gems from the word.
Pastor Tim

08.06 | 21:08

hello dear sister Sparrow---just want to thank you again for the prayers you have offered in my behalf....God heard and Moved one me

01.04 | 04:46

hello dear miss sparrow------you are a wonderful christian person who is very Longsuffering and Loving and thank you so much for all your help

23.01 | 00:24

Thank God for your precious life dear Sparrow. God already blessed you. Thanks for sharing

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